The Sillzcast

Sillzcast #4 - TNF (Joel Twinem) Shares SECRETS on How to Build Muscle/Lose Fat The EASY Way


In this episode, I chop it up with Joel Twinem (aka TNF or T_Nutrition_Fitness) - one of the smartest and most interesting creators in the fitness & nutrition space.

On the nutrition side, we talk about

  • Animal-Based Diet (Carnivore MD) - Why he believes this is potentially the most optimal diet for weight loss, but still has a problem with Paul Saladino
  • Carnivore Diet - Why TNF went carnivore for 6 months and how it cured his problems
  • "Everything in Moderation"/IIFYM Approach - Why this doesn't work for most people and why elimination diets are often neccessary
  • How Big Food Companies Make Food Addictive - And why this is not a conspiracy 
  • Seed Oils - Why they are problematic but not inherently toxic in moderation
  • And much more

On the fitness side, we talk about

  • Barbell Bench Press vs Machine Press - Why he stopped bench pressing
  • Compound Movements vs. Isolation Movements - Why compounds aren't necessarily superior
  • How to Burn More Calories During Lifts Without Hurting Intensity - Why supersets, short rest times etc. are inefficient and what to do instead
  • Cardio's Affect on Strength - Does it kill your gains?
  • Smart Gyms - How AI and smart technology could completely change the fitness industry
  • And much more

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